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Revision as of 10:39, 7 March 2025 by Huebsch (talk | contribs)

WRT_NMRCUR = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Default: WRT_NMRCUR = 0 

Description: Allows to write the NMR current response in atomic units to file.

In conjunction with LCHIMAG = True, WRT_NMRCUR allows to write the current response on the fine grid NGXF x NGYF x NGZF in atomic units (hartree bohr) to an external magnetic field within linear response NMR. The output is written to NMRCURBX, NMRCURBY, and/or NMRCURBZ depending on the selected direction of the perturbing field:

  • WRT_NMRCUR = 0: no current response written to file (default)
  • WRT_NMRCUR = 1:
  • WRT_NMRCUR = 2:
  • WRT_NMRCUR = 3:
  • WRT_NMRCUR = 4: all three directions of

It is also written to vaspout.h5, if compiled with HDF5 support. You can find the data groups

 /results/nmrcurbx        Group
 /results/nmrcurbx/grid   Dataset {3}
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure Group
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position Group
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/direct_coordinates Dataset {SCALAR} 
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/ion_sha256 Dataset {1}
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/ion_types Dataset {1}
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/lattice_vectors Dataset {3, 3}
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/number_ion_types Dataset {1}
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/position_ions Dataset {2, 3}
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/scale Dataset {SCALAR}
 /results/nmrcurbx/structure/position/system Dataset {SCALAR}
 /results/nmrcurbx/values Dataset {3, 24, 24, 24}

and use py4vasp to access these, e.g., using

import py4vasp as pv
calc = pv.Calculation.from_path(".")
Warning: For bulk calculations you must switch off the use of symmetry. In other words, set ISYM <= 0 if there is more than a single k point at zero (the Γ point).
Tip: Consider switching on current augmentation (LLRAUG = True).

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