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Show new changes starting from 19:56, 29 January 2025
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29 January 2025

     14:54  Bethe-Salpeter-equations calculations‎‎ 2 changes history +336 [Tal‎ (2×)]
14:54 (cur | prev) +335 Tal talk contribs (→‎Calculations at finite wavevectors)
14:39 (cur | prev) +1 Tal talk contribs Tag: Visual edit

28 January 2025

     16:37  LHYPERFINE diffhist −1 Csheldon talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
     11:39  CH NEDOS diffhist +25 Karsai talk contribs (→‎Related tags and articles)
     11:38  CH LSPEC diffhist +26 Karsai talk contribs (→‎Related tags and articles)
     11:38  CH SIGMA diffhist +24 Karsai talk contribs
N    11:37  CH AMPLIFICATION diffhist +564 Karsai talk contribs (Created page with "{{DISPLAYTITLE:CH_AMPLIFICATION}} {{TAGDEF|CH_AMPLIFICATION|[real]|1.0}} Description: This tag is used to amplify (scale) the spectrum obtained within the supercell core-hole method. ---- This feature is only available from VASP version 6.0 or higher. == Related tags and articles == {{TAG|CH_LSPEC}},{{TAG|CH_NEDOS}},{{TAG|ICORELEVEL}},{{TAG|CLNT}},{{TAG|CLN}},{{TAG|CLL}},{{TAG|CLZ}},{{TAG|CH_SIGMA}} {{sc|CH_SIGMA|Examples|Examples that use this tag}} ---- Category:...")

27 January 2025

25 January 2025

     10:13  Known issues diffhist +662 Svijay talk contribs

24 January 2025

     15:32  VASPml library‎‎ 3 changes history −29 [Singraber‎ (3×)]
15:32 (cur | prev) −10 Singraber talk contribs (→‎Restrictions)
08:33 (cur | prev) −10 Singraber talk contribs
08:33 (cur | prev) −9 Singraber talk contribs (→‎Supported features)
     15:00  Installing VASP.6.X.X diffhist +185 Singraber talk contribs
     13:34  Known issues diffhist +569 Hampel talk contribs
N    13:31  Construction:ML NCSHMEM‎‎ 9 changes history +880 [Karsai‎ (9×)]
13:31 (cur | prev) +18 Karsai talk contribs
13:24 (cur | prev) +9 Karsai talk contribs
13:23 (cur | prev) +9 Karsai talk contribs
13:22 (cur | prev) 0 Karsai talk contribs
13:20 (cur | prev) +1 Karsai talk contribs
13:20 (cur | prev) +4 Karsai talk contribs
13:19 (cur | prev) +302 Karsai talk contribs
13:08 (cur | prev) +8 Karsai talk contribs
13:07 (cur | prev) +529 Karsai talk contribs (Created page with "{{TAGDEF|ML_NCSHMEM|[integer]|-1 }} Description: {{TAG|ML_NCSHMEM}} determines the number of compute cores sharing the memory in MPI in machine-learning force fields. ---- By default when compiled with -Duse_shmem all cores within a node share memory. To disable share memory set NCSHMEM=1. == Related tags and articles == Shared memory, {{TAG|ML_LMLFF}} {{sc|ML_NCSHMEM|Examples|Examples that use this tag}} ---- Category:INCAR tagCategory:Machine-learned for...")
     13:22 Deletion log Karsai talk contribs deleted page Construction:Memory requirement for machine-learned force fields(content was: "The machine learning code is parallelized using MPI. It is most efficient if scaLAPACK is used since storing (and working on) large matrices, in particular the design matrix, will then be distributed over the MPI ranks. However, a LAPACK-only version exists as well. In the latter case, only a few matrices are stored in a distributed fashion, so due to the high memory demand, the...", and the only contributor was "Karsai" (talk))
     13:19  Machine learning force field calculations: Basics diffhist +33 Singraber talk contribs
     10:47  ML LIB‎‎ 3 changes history −219 [Singraber‎ (3×)]
10:47 (cur | prev) +8 Singraber talk contribs
08:35 (cur | prev) −60 Singraber talk contribs
08:34 (cur | prev) −167 Singraber talk contribs
     09:22  Changelog diffhist +26 Vaspmaster talk contribs
     08:37  Category:Machine-learned force fields diffhist +52 Singraber talk contribs (→‎How to)
     08:36  Running machine-learned force fields in LAMMPS diffhist −9 Singraber talk contribs
     08:36  (Move log) [Singraber‎ (4×)]
08:36 Singraber talk contribs moved page Construction:Running machine-learned force fields in LAMMPS to Running machine-learned force fields in LAMMPS
08:35 Singraber talk contribs moved page Construction:VASPML LAMMPS Interface to Construction:Running machine-learned force fields in LAMMPS
08:34 Singraber talk contribs moved page Construction:ML LIB to ML LIB
08:33 Singraber talk contribs moved page Construction:VASPml library to VASPml library
     07:58  Construction:VASPml library diffhist +53 Singraber talk contribs
     07:57  Construction:VASPML LAMMPS Interface diffhist +71 Singraber talk contribs
     07:55  Construction:ML LIB diffhist +502 Singraber talk contribs

23 January 2025

     23:07  Construction:VASPML LAMMPS Interface‎‎ 4 changes history −330 [Singraber‎ (4×)]
23:07 (cur | prev) +2,975 Singraber talk contribs
20:44 (cur | prev) +789 Singraber talk contribs
15:39 (cur | prev) −7 Singraber talk contribs
15:35 (cur | prev) −4,087 Singraber talk contribs
     15:07  Construction:VASPml library‎‎ 3 changes history +2,382 [Singraber‎ (3×)]
15:07 (cur | prev) +915 Singraber talk contribs
10:13 (cur | prev) +757 Singraber talk contribs
09:36 (cur | prev) +710 Singraber talk contribs
     14:45  Electron-phonon potential from supercells diffhist +278 Mani talk contribs (→‎Finite displacements in the supercell)
     14:41  Category:Electron-phonon interactions diffhist +308 Mani talk contribs (Add workflow figure and add more details to text)
     14:28  (Upload log) [Mani‎ (2×)]
14:28 Mani talk contribs uploaded File:Elphon-workflow.png(Depicts two different workflows for the perturbative electron-phonon code.)
14:14 Mani talk contribs uploaded File:Elphon-workflow.pdf(Depicts two different workflows for the perturbative electron-phonon code.)