Default: LEFG = .FALSE.
Description: The LEFG computes the Electric Field Gradient at positions of the atomic nuclei.
For LEFG=.TRUE., the electric field gradient tensors at the positions of the atomic nuclei are calculated using the method of Petrilli et al. [1].
The EFG tensors are symmetric. The principal components Vii and asymmetry parameter η are printed for each atom. Following convention the principal components Vii are ordered such that:
The asymmetry parameter is defined as . For so-called "quadrupolar nuclei", i.e., nuclei with nuclear spin I>1/2, NMR experiments can access Vzz and η.
Mind: Attaining convergence can require somewhat smaller EDIFF than the default of 1.e-4
and somewhat larger cutoff ENCUT than default with PREC=A. Moreover, the calculation of EFGs typically requires high quality PAW data sets. Semi-core electrons can be important (check with *_pv or *_sv POTCARs) as well as explicit inclusion of augmentation channel(s) with d-projectors. |
To convert the Vzz values into the Cq often encountered in NMR literature, one has to specify the nuclear quadrupole moment by means of the QUAD_EFG-tag.
Recommendations and advice
Tight settings are required for calculating the electric field gradient.
Input parameters
- A larger ENCUT value than usual, generally much higher than the value given by ENMAX in the POTCAR file, e.g. 800 eV for C in diamond, rather than the standard 400 eV.
- A small EDIFF is required to provide converged chemical shifts, e.g.
eV. - Tighter precision, e.g. PREC = Accurate.
- Non-spherical contributions to the gradient of the density inside PAW spheres, i.e. LASPH = .TRUE.
- The structure is extremely important, so using the experimental structure can improve results.
PAW pseudopotentials
- The use of PAW potentials has a strong influence, GW POTCAR files often improve values.
- Semi-core electrons can be important (check the POSCAR files with *_pv or *_sv) as well as explicit inclusion of augmentation channels with -projectors.
Important: Several definitions of are used in the NMR community, ensure that you are comparing between the same definitions in calculation and experiment. |
Mind: For heavy nuclei inaccuracies are to be expected because of an incomplete treatment of relativistic effects. |