Category:Electronic occupancy

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Within the PAW method there is the occupation for the plane-wave part and the on-site occupation matrix that characterize the electronic state. Below we list tags and sections that can be used to influence the occupation, besides the obvious influence of the specific structure and exchange-correlation effects.


Density Functional Theory plus Dynamical Mean Field Theory

Density Functional Theory plus Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DFT+DMFT)[1] is an advanced extension of DFT that provides a more accurate treatment of strongly correlated materials compared to DFT+U. While DFT+U incorporates a static correction for localized electron interactions, DFT+DMFT goes further by treating these interactions dynamically, capturing frequency-dependent electron correlations. A key feature of DFT+DMFT is that the charge density is updated using the DMFT solution, ensuring a self-consistent feedback between the correlated electronic states and the DFT potential. This not only improves the description of phenomena like metal-insulator transitions and quasiparticle renormalization but also allows for the calculation of spectral properties such as photoemission spectra, transport properties, and total energies relevant to structural distortions. To facilitate DFT+DMFT calculations, VASP provides a general interface to DMFT codes, allowing occupation updates ICHARG=5 via an external file vaspgamma.h5 / GAMMA to update the charge density.

How to

Practical guides to different methods manipulating occupations in VASP are found on following pages:


Pages in category "Electronic occupancy"

The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.