From VASP Wiki
Revision as of 08:51, 26 February 2025 by Csheldon (talk | contribs)

Default: LBONE = .FALSE. 

Description: LBONE adds the small B-component to the chemical shift tensor.

LBONE restores the small B-component of the wave function inside the PAW spheres in the linear-response calculation of the NMR chemical shift tensor. The POTCARs used in VASP are scalar-relativistic and the AE-partial waves are solutions of the scalar-relativistic Kohn-Sham equation for the spherical atom. These have a large (A) and a small (B) component. The latter is not retained on the POTCAR, but approximately restored when LBONE=.TRUE. LBONE only affects the one-center valence contributions to the chemical shift. The contribution of the core electrons includes the B-component by default.

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