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Default: LRHFCALC = .FALSE. 

Description: LRHFCALC selects a decomposition of the exchange functional for calculations with the range-separated hybrid RSHX functional.

If LRHFCALC=.TRUE. the exchange operator is decomposed into short-range LDA (or PBE) and long-range Hartree-Fock parts for calculations with the range-separated hybrid RSHX functional.[1][2] The screening parameter is specified by means of the HFSCREEN tag.

  • By default, AEXX=1 for the RSHX functional, but AEXX can be set to another value.
  • Only LDA (GGA=CA or PZ) or PBE (GGA=PE) can be used for the short-range density functional part.

Related tags and articles

LHFCALC, HFSCREEN, AEXX, LTHOMAS, list_of_hybrid_functionals

Examples that use this tag