Personal computer installation

From VASP Wiki
Revision as of 12:50, 8 April 2022 by Singraber (talk | contribs)

Here you will find instructions on how to install VASP on some widely-used Linux distributions. For the sake of simplicity the suggested build processes rely as much as possible on compilers and libraries provided by the operating system's package manager. The focus is on minimizing the effort to obtain working VASP binaries with only little changes required to the provided makefile.include templates in the arch directory.

Warning: These short and convenient installation instructions may come at the cost of performance. They are not optimized with respect to compilers, libraries and hardware. Please consider benchmarking and optimizing your build process prior to large-scale production runs.

In order to verify each build we run the FAST category tests of the testsuite. The build instructions have been tested on clean installations of the operating systems in the following table:

Operating system VASP
Name Version 6.3.0
Debian 11.3 Link
Ubuntu 20.04 Link
Fedora 35 Link

The table and corresponding instructions will be updated when either a new version of VASP or a major release of the operating systems is available.


Building VASP 6.3.0 on Debian 11.3

Please install required software packages with the package manager:

sudo apt install make build-essential rsync g++ gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libopenmpi-dev libscalapack-openmpi-dev libfftw3-dev

Change into the VASP directory and use the arch/makefile.include.gnu_omp template as basis for the makefile.include:

cp arch/makefile.include.gnu_omp makefile.include

Search for the paragraph in makefile.include starting with ## Customize as of this point! and apply the following changes below:

  • Comment out the OPENBLAS_ROOT variable (not needed) and set BLASPACK:
  • # BLAS and LAPACK (mandatory)
    #OPENBLAS_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/openblas/installation
    BLASPACK    = -lopenblas
  • Comment out the SCALAPACK_ROOT variable (not needed) and set SCALAPACK:
  • # scaLAPACK (mandatory)
    #SCALAPACK_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/scalapack/installation
    SCALAPACK   = -lscalapack-openmpi
  • Comment out the FFTW_ROOT variable (not needed). Set LLIBS and INCS in the FFTW section:
  • # FFTW (mandatory)
    #FFTW_ROOT  ?= /path/to/your/fftw/installation
    LLIBS      += -lfftw3 -lfftw3_omp
    INCS       += -I/usr/include

Save your makefile.include and compile VASP:

make DEPS=1 -j

Once the build process is complete the binaries are located in the VASP bin subfolder. They were compiled with OpenMP threading support. Before running VASP please always check if the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is set according to your needs. For example, if you require only pure MPI parallelization without OpenMP threading add


in your ~/.bashrc file.


Building VASP 6.3.0 on Ubuntu 20.04

Please install the required software packages with the package manager:

sudo apt install make build-essential g++ gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libopenmpi-dev libscalapack-openmpi-dev libfftw3-dev

Change into the VASP directory and use the arch/makefile.include.gnu_omp template as basis for the makefile.include:

cp arch/makefile.include.gnu_omp makefile.include

Search for the paragraph in makefile.include starting with ## Customize as of this point! and apply the following changes below:

  • Comment out the line adding -fallow-argument-mismatch to the variable FFLAGS:
  • # For gcc-10 and higher (comment out for older versions)
    #FFLAGS     += -fallow-argument-mismatch
  • Comment out the OPENBLAS_ROOT variable (not needed) and set BLASPACK:
  • # BLAS and LAPACK (mandatory)
    #OPENBLAS_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/openblas/installation
    BLASPACK    = -lopenblas
  • Comment out the SCALAPACK_ROOT variable (not needed) and set SCALAPACK:
  • # scaLAPACK (mandatory)
    #SCALAPACK_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/scalapack/installation
    SCALAPACK   = -lscalapack-openmpi
  • Comment out the FFTW_ROOT variable (not needed). Set LLIBS and INCS in the FFTW section:
  • # FFTW (mandatory)
    #FFTW_ROOT  ?= /path/to/your/fftw/installation
    LLIBS      += -lfftw3 -lfftw3_omp
    INCS       += -I/usr/include

Save your makefile.include and compile VASP:

make DEPS=1 -j

Once the build process is complete the binaries are located in the VASP bin subfolder. They were compiled with OpenMP threading support. Before running VASP please always check if the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is set according to your needs. For example, if you require only pure MPI parallelization without OpenMP threading add


in your ~/.bashrc file.


Building VASP 6.3.0 on Fedora 35

Please install the required software packages with the package manager:

sudo yum install automake gcc gcc-c++ gcc-gfortran lapack-devel openblas-devel openmpi-devel scalapack-openmpi-devel fftw-devel

Add the following lines to your .bashrc file located in your home directory:

export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib

and either open a new shell or run this command to activate the lines above:

source ~/.bashrc

Change into the VASP directory and use the arch/makefile.include.gnu_omp template as basis for the makefile.include:

cp arch/makefile.include.gnu_omp makefile.include

Search for the paragraph in makefile.include starting with ## Customize as of this point! and apply the following changes below:

  • Comment out the OPENBLAS_ROOT variable (not needed) and set BLASPACK:
  • # BLAS and LAPACK (mandatory)
    #OPENBLAS_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/openblas/installation
    BLASPACK    = -lopenblas
  • Comment out the SCALAPACK_ROOT variable (not needed) and set SCALAPACK:
  • # scaLAPACK (mandatory)
    #SCALAPACK_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/scalapack/installation
    SCALAPACK   = -lscalapack
  • Comment out the FFTW_ROOT variable (not needed). Set LLIBS and INCS in the FFTW section:
  • # FFTW (mandatory)
    #FFTW_ROOT  ?= /path/to/your/fftw/installation
    LLIBS      += -lfftw3 -lfftw3_omp
    INCS       += -I/usr/include

Save your makefile.include and compile VASP:

make DEPS=1 -j

Once the build process is complete the binaries are located in the VASP bin subfolder. They were compiled with OpenMP threading support. Before running VASP please always check if the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is set according to your needs. For example, if you require only pure MPI parallelization without OpenMP threading add


in your ~/.bashrc file.