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Revision as of 15:19, 19 January 2022 by Huebsch (talk | contribs)

Writing a makefile.include file from scratch is not easy, so we suggest taking one of archetypical files that closely resembles your system as a starting point. It is necessary to customize it anyways to set appropriate paths etc. Optionally, you can enable additional features by setting precompiled flags or linking VASP to other libraries. For instance, we strongly recommend enabling HDF5 support.

Archetypical files

The templates contain information such as precompiler options, compiler options, and paths to link libraries. Choose the compiler, parallelization etc. from the list below and mind the description:

Intel Composer suite and oneAPI Base + HPC toolkits for CPUs

GNU compilers for CPUs



An advanced system administrator might benefit from a more detailed discussion about the compiler options.


Open the selected template of the archetypical files and add the required information as explained in the comments towards the end of the file. Then, add any optional feature as listed below. For more details see the list of precompiler options.

HDF5 support (strongly recommended)

This is essential for reading and writing HDF5 files, such as vaspout.h5. The HDF5 library is available for download on the HDF5 official website. To activate this feature set the following:

HDF5_ROOT  ?= /path/to/your/hdf5/installation
LLIBS      += -L$(HDF5_ROOT)/lib -lhdf5_fortran
INCS       += -I$(HDF5_ROOT)/include

Available for VASP >= 6.2.0.

Wannier90 (optional)

Download Wannier90 and compile libwannier.a.

Important: In case of Wannier90 3.x, you should compile a serial version by removing COMMS=mpi in the of Wannier90.

Then, execute make lib to build the Wannier90 library. To activate this feature set the following:

WANNIER90_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/wannier90/installation
LLIBS          += -L$(WANNIER90_ROOT)/lib -lwannier
Mind: VASP version <= 6.1.x are compatible with Wannier90 <= 1.2. To interface VASP 6.1.x with Wannier90 2.x, set -DVASP2WANNIER90v2 instead. As of VASP 6.2.x only Wannier90 2.x and 3.x are supported.

Libbeef (optional)

The library of BEEF Van-der-Waals functionals is available for download on github. Then, set the following:

LIBBEEF_ROOT ?= /path/to/your/libbeef/installation
LLIBS        += -L$(LIBBEEF_ROOT)/lib -lbeef

Libxc (optional)

Install Libxc >= 5.1.7 from the source.

Important: Regarding meta-GGA functionals and the kinetic-energy density (see LTBOUNDLIBXC), the following important patch must be applied to Libxc version 5.1.7 before compiling it.

In the file libxc-5.1.7/src/work_mgga.c, the following 8 lines should be deleted:

if(p->info->family != XC_KINETIC)
  my_sigma[0] = m_min(my_sigma[0], 8.0*my_rho[0]*my_tau[0]);

if(p->info->family != XC_KINETIC)
  my_sigma[2] = m_min(my_sigma[2], 8.0*my_rho[1]*my_tau[1]);

if(p->info->family != XC_KINETIC)
  my_sigma[0] = m_min(my_sigma[0], 8.0*my_rho[0]*my_tau[0]);

if(p->info->family != XC_KINETIC)
  my_sigma[2] = m_min(my_sigma[2], 8.0*my_rho[1]*my_tau[1]);

Then, add the following

LIBXC_ROOT  ?= /path/to/your/libxc/installation
LLIBS       += -L$(LIBXC_ROOT)/lib -lxcf03 -lxc
INCS        += -I$(LIBXC_ROOT)/include

DFTD4 (optional)

To include the DFTD4 van-der-Waals functional, install the DFTD4 library from the source on github. Then, add the following

DFTD4_ROOT  ?= /path/to/your/dft4/installation
LLIBS       += -L$(DFTD4_ROOT)/build -ldftd4
INCS        += -I$(DFTD4_ROOT)/libdftd4.a.p