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Revision as of 14:24, 17 January 2025 by Mani (talk | contribs) (Add availability notice)


Description: Select which type of approximation is used to compute the electron scattering lifetimes due to electron-phonon coupling

Mind: Available as of VASP 6.5.0

There are different approximations to compute the electronic lifetimes due to electron-phonon scattering. Each of these can lead to significantly different transport coefficients.

Options to select

ELPH_SCATTERING_APPROX = CRTA - Constant Relaxation-Time Approximation
The relaxation time is assumed constant. It needs to be specified via TRANSPORT_RELAXATION_TIME. In this case, the computation of electron-phonon matrix elements is skipped entirely, which is a huge performance boost compared to the other relaxation-time approximations.
Warning: While the CRTA can be a reasonable approximation for metals, it will generally fail for insulators.
ELPH_SCATTERING_APPROX = SERTA - Self-Energy Relaxation-Time Approximation
Calculates the relaxation time from the imaginary part of the electron self-energy.
ELPH_SCATTERING_APPROX = ERTA_LAMDBA - Energy Relaxation-Time Approximation (mean-free path approximation)
ELPH_SCATTERING_APPROX = ERTA_TAU - Energy Relaxation-Time Approximation (lifetime approximation)
ELPH_SCATTERING_APPROX = MRTA_LAMDBA - Momentum Relaxation-Time Approximation (mean-free path approximation)
ELPH_SCATTERING_APPROX = MRTA_TAU - Momentum Relaxation-Time Approximation (lifetime approximation)

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