Nose-Hoover-chain thermostat

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Revision as of 14:21, 17 April 2023 by Tbucko (talk | contribs)

The standard Nose Hoover suffers from well known issues, such as the ergodicity violation in the case of simple harmonic oscillator. As proposed by Martyna and Klein, these problems can be solved by using multiple Nose Hoover thermostats connected in a chain. Although the underlining dynamics is non-Hamiltonian, the corresponding equations of motion conserve the following energy term:

where is the Hamiltonian of the physical system, and are the numbers of thermostats and atoms in the cell, respectively, and , , and are the position, momentum, and mass-like parameter associated with the thermostat .

The number of thermostats is controlled by the flag NHC_NCHAINS. Typically, this flag is set to a value between 1 and 5, the maximal allowed value is 20. In the special case of NHC_NCHAINS=0, thermostat is switched off, leading to a MD in microcanonical ensemble. Another special case of NHC_NCHAINS=1 corresponds to the standard Nose-Hoover thermostat.

The only thermostat parameter is NHC_PERIOD, corresponding to a characteristic time scale () of the system in time steps. This variable is used to setup the mass-like variables via the relations:

Failed to parse (Conversion error. Server ("cli") reported: "[INVALID]"): {\displaystyle Q_j = k_{B} T \tau^2; \hspace{1} j=2,\dots,M }