Practical guide to GW calculations

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Revision as of 17:15, 7 March 2011 by Mmars (talk | contribs) (→‎Recipes)

Available as of VASP.5.X. For details on the implementation and use of the GW routines we recommend the papers by Shishkin et al.[1][2][3] and Fuchs et al.[4]


  • G0W0 calculations: single-shot G0W0 calculations
  • GW0, GW calculations: selfconsistent with respect to QP energies in G (GW0 calculations) or G AND W (GW calculations)
  • [[GW_recipes#scGW0 and scGW: selfconsistency w.r.t. QP energies and one-electron orbitals|scGW0, scGW calculations]]: selfconsistent with respect to QP energies AND orbitals in G (scGW0 calculations) or G AND W (scGW calculations)
  • DM calculations with GW routines: Determination of the frequency dependent dielectric matrix (DM) using the GW routines
  • scGW0 caveat

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