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Default: LEFG = .FALSE. 

Description: The LEFG computes the Electric Field Gradient at positions of the atomic nuclei.

For LEFG=.TRUE., the electric field gradient tensors at the positions of the atomic nuclei are calculated using the method of Petrilli et al. [1].

The EFG tensors are symmetric. The principal components Vii and asymmetry parameter η are printed for each atom. Following convention the principal components Vii are ordered such that:

The asymmetry parameter is defined as . For so-called "quadrupolar nuclei", i.e., nuclei with nuclear spin I>1/2, NMR experiments can access Vzz and η.


To convert the Vzz values into the Cq often encountered in NMR literature, one has to specify the nuclear quadrupole moment by means of the QUAD_EFG-tag.

The output of is in MHz. See references [2] and Ref. [3] for a compilation of nuclear quadrupole moments.

Suppose a solid contains Al, C, and Si, then the QUAD_EFG tag could read:

QUAD_EFG = 146.6 33.27 0.0

is the stable isotope of Al with a natural abundance of 100% and . The stable isotopes and are not quadrupolar nuclei, however, the radioactive is. It has . For Si it is pointless to calculate a since all stable isotopes have . No moments are known for the other isotopes.

for heavy nuclei inaccuracies are to be expected because of an incomplete treatment of relativistic effects.

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