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{\tt IALGO} = 38 | 48  \qquad {\tt LDIAG} = .TRUE. | .FALSE.

\begin{tabular} {lll}
Description: Determines whether a subspace diagonalization is performed within the algorithm selected by {{TAG|ALGO}} or {{TAG|IALGO}}.
Default \\
{\tt IALGO} & = & 8  for VASP.4.4 and older  \\
For {{TAG|ALGO}} = <tt>Normal</tt>, <tt>Fast</tt>, and <tt>VeryFast</tt>, VASP performs a diagonalization in the subspace spanned by all orbitals. This is often referred to as the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh%E2%80%93Ritz_method Rayleigh–Ritz method].  
            & = & 38 for VASP.4.5, VASP.4.6 and VASP.5.2 (if {\tt ALGO} is not set)\\
This step increases the convergence rate and thus is expedient in most cases.
{\tt LDIAG}  & = & .TRUE. \\
Furthermore, the subspace diagonalization sorts the orbital/eigenvalues in ascending order.
IALGO = integer selecting algorithm
LDIAG = perform sub space rotation

Please mind, that the VASP.4.5 default is  {\tt IALGO} = 38
For the direct optimization algorithms (for instance {{TAG|ALGO}} = <tt>All</tt> or <tt>Damped</tt>),
(a Davidson block iteration scheme).  {\tt IALGO} = 8 is not supported for
a subspace diagonalization is usually not performed, but in order to improve the accuracy of the calculated forces,
copyright reasons in VASP.4.5, but
after convergence has been reached one single diagonalization in the subspace spanned by all orbitals is performed.
{\tt IALGO} = 38 is roughly 2 times faster for large systems than
{\tt IALGO} = 8 and at least as stable. You can select the algorithm also
by setting {\tt ALGO}=  Normal |  Fast |  Very$\_$Fast in the INCAR file
(see Sec. \ref{incar-algo}).

For {{TAG|ALGO}} = <tt>VeryFast</tt> and <tt>Damped</tt> it is possible to switch off the subspace diagonalization by specifying {{TAG|LDIAG}} = <tt>.FALSE.</tt> in the {{FILE|INCAR}} file.
{\tt IALGO} selects the main algorithm, and {\tt LDIAG} determines
Specifically, for {{TAG|ALGO}} = <tt>VeryFast</tt>, {{TAG|LDIAG}} = <tt>.FALSE.</tt> changes from an exact Rayleigh–Ritz diagonalization to Loewdin perturbation theory.
whether a subspace--diagonalization is performed, or not.
We strongly urge the users to set the algorithms via {\tt ALGO}. Algorithms other
than those available via {\tt ALGO } are subject to instabilities.}

Generally the first digit of {\tt IALGO} specifies the main algorithm,
Note, Loewdin perturbation theory strictly conserves the orbital order, ''i.e.'', the ''n''-th orbital will remain stored in the ''n''-th storage slot and only small rotations into that orbital can occur.
the second digit
For {{TAG|ALGO}} = <tt>Damped</tt> and <tt>All</tt>, the final subspace diagonalization is simply skipped if {{TAG|LDIAG}} = <tt>.FALSE.</tt> is set.
controls the actual settings within the algorithm.
Generally using {{TAG|LDIAG}} = <tt>.FALSE.</tt> is only advised, if one wants to maintain a certain orbital order, for instance, when reading the orbitals from an existing {{FILE|WAVECAR}} file.
For instance 4X will always call the same routine for the
electronic minimization the second digit X controls the details
of the electronic minimization (preconditioning etc.).

{\em Mind:} All implemented algorithms will result in the
For the algorithms {{TAG|ALGO}} = <tt>Normal</tt> or <tt>Fast</tt>, by construction it is not possible to switch off subspace diagonalization, as these algorithms require subspace diagonalizations during the iterative refinement of the orbitals.
same result, i.e. they will correctly calculate the KS groundstate,
Furthermore, algorithms that minimize the total energy ({{TAG|ALGO}} = <tt>All</tt>) are often too "greedy" and tend to alternate the orbital order in the course of the SCF cycle and energy optimization.
{\em if they converge}. This is guaranteed because
all minimization routines use the same set of subroutines to calculate
the residual  (correction) vector
(${\bf H} - \epsilon {\bf S}) \vert \phi \rangle$ for the current orbitals
$\phi$ and they are considered to be converged if this correction vector becomes smaller than
some specified threshold. The only difference between the algorithms is the
way this correction  vector is added to the trial orbital and therefore
the performance of the routines might be quite different.

\noindent The most extensive tests has been done for {\tt IALGO} = 38
In summary, the following combinations are potentially useful:
({\tt IALGO} = 8 before VASP.4.5).
{\em If random vectors ({\tt INIWAV} = 1) are used for the
initialization of the orbitals,
this algorithm always gives the correct
KS groundstate. Therefore, if you have problems with {\tt IALGO} = 48
({\tt ALGO} = Fast)
switch to {\tt IALGO} = 38.}

\noindent List of possible settings for {\tt IALGO}.
ALGO = VeryFast ; LDIAG = .FALSE.
Performance test.

VASP does not perform an actual calculations
ALGO = Damped ; LDIAG = .FALSE.
--- only some important parts of the
program will be executed and the timing for each part is printed out at the end.

\item[5-8]  Conjugate  gradient algorithm (section \ref{min-en4})
Other combinations using {{TAG|LDIAG}} = <tt>.FALSE.</tt> are likely to yield undesirable results.
{{NB|warning| {{TAG|ALGO}} {{=}} <tt>VeryFast</tt> is not supported for hybrid functionals. }}

Optimize each band iteratively using a conjugate gradient algorithm.
== Related tags and articles ==

Subspace-diagonalization before conjugate gradient algorithm.
{{sc|LDIAG|Examples|Examples that use this tag}}
The conjugate gradient algorithm is used to optimize the eigenvalue
of each band.

[[Category:INCAR tag]][[Category:Electronic minimization]]
\begin{tabular} {ll}
5  &  steepest descent \\
6  &  conjugated gradient \\
7  &  preconditioned steepest descent \\
8  &  preconditioned conjugated gradient\\
{\tt IALGO} = 8 (VASP-releases older than VASP.4.5) is always fastest, {\tt IALGO} = 5-7 are only implemented for test purpose.
Please mind, that {\tt IALGO} =8 is not supported by VASP.4.5,
since M. Teter, Corning and M. Payne hold a patent on this algorithm.
\item[38] ({\tt ALGO} =N) Kosugi algorithm (special Davidson block iteration scheme) (see section \ref{min-david})
This algorithm is the default in VASP.4.6 and VASP.5.X. It optimizes a subset
of {\tt NSIM} \index{INCAR!N!NSIM|textit} bands simultaneously (Sec. \ref{incar-nsim}).
The optimized bands are kept orthogonal to all other bands.
If problems are encountered with the algorithm, try to decrease {\tt NSIM}.
Such problems are encountered, if linear dependencies develop in the
search space.  By reducing {\tt NSIM} the rank of the search space is decreased.
\item[44-48] ({\tt ALGO} = F) Residual minimization method
direct inversion in the iterative subspace (RMM-DIIS see section \ref{min-en3} and \ref{min-en5})
The  RMM-DIIS algorithm reduces the number of orthonormalization steps
(o($N^3$)) considerably
and is therefore much faster than {\tt IALGO} = 8 and {\tt IALGO} = 38,
at least for large systems and for
workstations with a small memory band width.
For optimal performance, we recommend to use this switch together
with {\tt LREAL} = Auto  (Section \ref{incar-real}).
The algorithm works  in a blocked mode
in which several bands are optimized at the same time. This can
improve the performance even further on systems with a low memory
band width (see \ref{incar-nsim}, default is presently {\tt NSIM} = 4).
The following sub-switches exist:
\begin{tabular} {ll}
44  &  steepest descent eigenvalue minimization\\
46  &  residuum-minimization +  preconditioning\\
48  &  preconditioned residuum-minimization ({\tt ALGO} = F)\\
\noindent {\tt IALGO} = 48 is usually most reliable
({\tt IALGO} = 44 and 46 are mainly for test purposes).
For {\tt IALGO} =4X, a subspace-diagonalization is performed before the
residual vector minimization,
and a Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization is employed after the RMM-DIIS step.
In the RMM-DIIS step, each band is optimized individually (without the orthogonality
constraint);  a maximum of {\tt NDAV}\index{INCAR!N!NDAV|textbf}
iterative steps per band
are performed  for each band. The default for {\tt NDAV} is {\tt NDAV=4}, and we
we recommend to leave this value unchanged.
Please mind, that the RMM-DIIS algorithm can fail in rare cases,
whereas {\tt IALGO} = 38 did not fail for any system tested up to date.
Therefore, if you have problems with {\tt IALGO} = 48 try first to
switch to {\tt IALGO} = 38
However,  in some cases the performance gains due to {\tt IALGO} = 48 are
so significant that {\tt IALGO} = 38 might not be a feasible option.
In the following we try to explain what to do if {\tt IALGO} = 48 does
not work reliably:
In general two major problems can be encountered when using {\tt IALGO} = 48:
First, the optimization of unoccupied bands might fail
for molecular dynamics and relaxations. This is because
our implementation of the RMM-DIIS algorithm treats unoccupied bands
more ``sloppy'' then occupied bands (see section \ref{incar-wei})
during MD's. The problem can be solved
rather easily by specifying {\tt WEIMIN} = 0\index{INCAR!W!WEIMIN|textit} in the INCAR file. In that
case all bands are treated accurately.
The other major problem -- which occurs also for static
calculations -- is the initialization of the orbitals.
Because the RMM-DIIS algorithm tends to find eigenvectors which
are close to the initial set of trial vectors
there is no guarantee to converge to the correct ground state!
This situation is usually very easy to recognize; whenever
one eigenvector  is missing in the final solution, the convergence
becomes slow at the end (mind, that it is possible that
one state with a small fractional occupancy above the
Fermi-level is missing).
If you suspect that this is the case switch to {\tt ICHARG} =
(i.e. no update of charge and
Hamiltonian) and try to calculate the orbitals with high
accuracy ($10^{-6}$). If the convergence is fairly slow or
stucks at some precision,
the RMM-DIIS algorithm
has problems with the initial set of orbitals (as a rule
of thumb not more than 12 electronic iterations should be required
to determine the orbital for the default precision for {\tt ICHARG} = 12).
The first thing to do in that case is to increase the number of bands
({\tt NBANDS}\index{INCAR!N!NBANDS|textit})
in the INCAR file.
This is usually the simplest and most efficient fix, but it does not
work in all cases. This solution is also undesirable for MD's and long
relaxations because it increases the computational demand somewhat.
A simple alternative -- which worked in all tested cases -- is
to use {\tt IALGO} = 38 (Davidson)
for a few non selfconsistent iterations and to switch then to the RMM-DIIS
algorithm. This  setup is automatically selected when
{\tt ALGO} = Fast is specified in the INCAR file (IALGO must not
specified in the INCAR file in this case).
The final option is somewhat complicated and requires an understanding of
how the initialization algorithm of the RMM-DIIS algorithm works:
after the random initialization of the orbitals,
the initial orbitals for the RMM-DIIS algorithm are determined during a
non selfconsistent steepest descent phase
(the number of steepest descent sweeps is given by {\tt
default is {\tt NELMDL}=-12 for RMM-DIIS, section \ref{incar-nelm}).
During this initial phase in each sweep,
one steepest descent step per orbital is performed between
each sub space rotation.
This "automatic" simple steepest descent approach during the delay is
faced with a rather ill-conditioned minimization problem and can fail
to produce reasonable trial orbitals for the RMM-DIIS
In this case the quantity in the column  "rms" will not decrease during
the initial phase (12 steps), and
you must improve the conditioning of the problem
by setting the {\tt ENINI} parameter in the INCAR file.
{\tt ENINI}\index{INCAR!E!ENINI|textbf} controls the cutoff during the initial (steepest descent) phase
for {\tt IALGO} = 48. Default for {\tt ENINI} is {\tt ENINI} = {\tt ENCUT}.
If convergence problems are observed,
start with a slightly smaller {\tt ENINI}; reduce {\tt ENINI} in steps of $20~\%$, till
the norm of the residual vector (column "rms") decreases continuously
during the first 12 steps.
A final note concerns the mixing: {\tt IALGO} = 48 dislikes too
abrupt mixing. Since the RMM-DIIS algorithm always stays in the space
spanned by the initial orbitals, and too strong mixing (large
{\tt AMIX}\index{INCAR!A!AMIX|textit}, small {\tt
BMIX}\index{INCAR!B!BMIX|textit}) might require to change the Hilbert space,
the initial mixing
must not be too strong for {\tt IALGO} = 48.
Try to reduce {\tt AMIX} and increase {\tt BMIX} if you suspect such a situation.
Increasing {\tt NBANDS} also helps in this situation.
\item[53-58] Treat total free energy as variational quantity and minimize the
functional completely selfconsistently.
This algorithm is based on  an idea first proposed in Refs. \cite{sti89,gil89,ari92}.
The algorithm has been carefully optimized and should be selected
for Hartree-Fock type calculations. The present version is rather stable and
robust even for metallic systems.
Important sub-switches:
\begin{tabular} {ll}
53  &  damped MD with damping term automatically determined by the given
time-step  ({\tt ALGO} = D)\\
54  &  damped MD (velocity quench or quickmin) \\
58  &    preconditioned conjugated gradient ({\tt ALGO} = A)\\
Furthermore  {\tt LDIAG} determines, whether the subspace rotation matrix (rotation
matrix in the space spanned by the occupied and unoccupied orbitals) is optimized.
The current default is {\tt LDIAG} = .TRUE. selecting the algorithm
presented in
Ref. \cite{marsalgo07}. This allows for efficient groundstate calculations
of metals and small gap semiconductors. {\tt LDIAG} = .FALSE.
selects Loewdin perturbation theory for the subspace rotation matrix\cite{kre96b}
which is much faster but generally significantly less stable for metallic and small gap systems.
The preconditioned conjugate gradient ({\tt IALGO} = 58, {\tt ALGO} = A)
algorithm is recommended for insulators.
The best stability is usually obtained if the number of bands
equals  half the number of electrons (non spin polarized case).
In this case, the algorithm is fairly robust and fool proof and might
even outperform the mixing algorithm.
For small gap systems and for metals, it is however usually required (metals)
or desirable (semiconductors) to use a larger value for {\tt NBANDS}.
In this case, we recommend to use the damped MD algorithm ({\tt IALGO} =
53, {\tt ALGO} = Damped)
instead of the conjugate gradient one.
The stability of the all bands simultaneously algorithms depends strongly
on the setting of {\tt TIME}\index{INCAR!T!TIME|textit}. For the conjugate gradient case,
{\tt TIME} controls the step size in the trial step, which is required
in order to perform a line minimization of the energy along the gradient
(or conjugated gradient, see section \ref{incar-ibrion}
for details). Too small steps make the line minimization less accurate,
whereas too large steps can cause instabilities. The step size
is usually automatically scaled by the actual step size minimizing the
total energy along the gradient (values can range from 1.0 for
insulators to 0.01 for metals with a large density of states at
the Fermi-level).
For the damped MD algorithm  ({\tt IALGO} = 53, {\tt ALGO} = Damped), a sensible {\tt TIME} step is even
more important. In this case {\tt TIME} is not automatically adjusted,
and the user is entirely responsible to chose an appropriate value.
Too small time-steps slow the convergence
significantly, whereas too large values will always lead to divergence.
It is sensible to optimize this value, in particular, if many different
configurations are considered for a particular system. It is recommended
to start with a small step size {\tt TIME}, and to increase {\tt TIME}
by a factor 1.2 until the calculations diverge. The largest
stable step {\tt TIME} should then be used for all calculations.
The final algorithm {\tt IALGO} = 54 also uses a damped molecular
dynamics algorithm and quenches the velocities to zero if they
are antiparallel to the present forces (quick-min).
It is usually not as efficient as {\tt IALGO} = 53, but
it is also less sensitive to the { \tt TIME} parameter.
(for detail please also read section \ref{incar-ibrion}).
{\em  Note: it is very important to set the {\tt TIME} tag for these algorithms (see
section \ref{incar-time})}.
\item[2] Orbitals and one-electron energies are kept fixed. One electron
occupancies and electronic density of states (DOS) are, however, recalculated.
This option is only useful if a pre-converged WAVECAR file is read. The option
allows to run selected post-processing tasks, such as local DOS, or the interface code
to Wannier90.
\item[3]  Orbitals (one-electron wavefunctions) are kept fixed.
One-electron energies, one electron
occupancies, band structure energies, and the electronic density of states (DOS) are,
as well as,  the total energy are recalculated for the present Hamiltonian.
This option is only useful if a pre-converged WAVECAR file is read. The option
also allows to run selected post-processing tasks, such as local DOS, or the interface code
to Wannier90.
\item[4]  Orbitals are updated by applying a sub-space rotation, i.e.
the Hamiltonian is evaluated in the space spanned by the orbitals (read from WAVECAR),
and one diagonalization
in this space is performed. No optimization outside the subspace spanned by the orbitals
is performed.
{\em Note: if {\tt NBANDS} is larger or equal to the total number of plane waves, the
resulting one-electron orbitals are exact.}
\item[15-18] Conjugate  gradient algorithm
Subspace-diagonalization after iterative refinement of the eigenvectors
using the conjugate gradient algorithm.
This  switch is for compatibility reasons only and should not be used any longer.
Generally {\tt IALGO} = 5-8 is preferable, but was not implemented previous to
VAMP 1.1.
Sub-switches as above.
\item[28] Conjugate  gradient algorithm (section \ref{min-en4})
Subspace-diagonalization before conjugate gradient algorithm.
No explicit orthonormalization of the gradients to the trial orbitals is done.
This setting saves time, but does fail in most cases ---
mainly included for test purpose. Try {\tt IALGO} = 4X instead.
\item[90] Exact Diagonalization.
This flag selects an exact diagonalization of the one-electron Hamiltonian.
This requires a fairly large amount of memory, and should be selected with caution.
Specifically, we recommend to select this algorithm for RPA or $GW$ calculations,
if many unoccupied orbitals are calculated (more than 30-50~\% of the states
spanned by the full plane wave basis). To speed up the calculations,
we recommend to perform a routine groundstate calculation before
calculating the unoccupied states.

Latest revision as of 12:15, 17 October 2024

LDIAG = [logical]
Default: LDIAG = .TRUE. 

Description: Determines whether a subspace diagonalization is performed within the algorithm selected by ALGO or IALGO.

For ALGO = Normal, Fast, and VeryFast, VASP performs a diagonalization in the subspace spanned by all orbitals. This is often referred to as the Rayleigh–Ritz method. This step increases the convergence rate and thus is expedient in most cases. Furthermore, the subspace diagonalization sorts the orbital/eigenvalues in ascending order.

For the direct optimization algorithms (for instance ALGO = All or Damped), a subspace diagonalization is usually not performed, but in order to improve the accuracy of the calculated forces, after convergence has been reached one single diagonalization in the subspace spanned by all orbitals is performed.

For ALGO = VeryFast and Damped it is possible to switch off the subspace diagonalization by specifying LDIAG = .FALSE. in the INCAR file. Specifically, for ALGO = VeryFast, LDIAG = .FALSE. changes from an exact Rayleigh–Ritz diagonalization to Loewdin perturbation theory.

Note, Loewdin perturbation theory strictly conserves the orbital order, i.e., the n-th orbital will remain stored in the n-th storage slot and only small rotations into that orbital can occur. For ALGO = Damped and All, the final subspace diagonalization is simply skipped if LDIAG = .FALSE. is set. Generally using LDIAG = .FALSE. is only advised, if one wants to maintain a certain orbital order, for instance, when reading the orbitals from an existing WAVECAR file.

For the algorithms ALGO = Normal or Fast, by construction it is not possible to switch off subspace diagonalization, as these algorithms require subspace diagonalizations during the iterative refinement of the orbitals. Furthermore, algorithms that minimize the total energy (ALGO = All) are often too "greedy" and tend to alternate the orbital order in the course of the SCF cycle and energy optimization.

In summary, the following combinations are potentially useful:

ALGO = VeryFast ; LDIAG = .FALSE.
ALGO = Damped ; LDIAG = .FALSE.

Other combinations using LDIAG = .FALSE. are likely to yield undesirable results.

Warning: ALGO = VeryFast is not supported for hybrid functionals.

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